
16’500 subscribers

latest update: March 15, 2023

English and Italian
Sent Monthly throughout the year and daily during the Festival.

The Locarno Film Festival isn’t just one big event in August, but a universe of activities that take place both online and in person throughout the year. 
Timely, concise and aimed at the various audiences that make up the Festival’s diverse community, the newsletter is the ideal tool for keeping up-to-date. 


(CHF, excl. VAT)
From April 1 to July 4
Banner (1200 x 842 px) 600.-
Exclusivity for a newsletter 1’500.-
Editorial content to be agreed upon
From July 5 to the end of July
Banner (1200 x 842 px) 1’000.-
Exclusivity for a newsletter 2’250.-
Editorial content to be agreed upon
During the Festival, August 2 to 12
Banner (1200 x 842 px) 1’200.-
Exclusivity for a newsletter 2’500.-
Editorial content to be agreed upon
September to March
Banner (1200 x 842 px) 400.-
Exclusivity for a newsletter 1’300.-
Editorial content to be agreed upon

Prices are per a single newsletter, to be agreed upon.
The maximum number of banners on a newsletter is 3.

Advertisement eligibility will be determined by the Festival on the basis of exclusivity agreements with its official partners.

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • From April 1 to July 4
  • From July 5 to the end of July
  • During the Festival, 2-12.08.23
  • September to March
  • September to March
  • Booking deadline and advertising submission deadline: 3 weeks before banner publication. 
Technicals Details
  • Banner format: 1200 x 842 px 
  • Maximum recommended size: 300 kb 
  • Supported file types: .png, .jpg, .gif 

Marketing team
t +41 91 791 21 21

Locarno Film Festival 2 – 12 | 8 | 2023
Via Franchino Rusca 1,
6600 Locarno, CH – Switzerland
t +41 91 756 21 21