Open Doors Screenings

From 2022 until 2024, the Open Doors Screenings section explores the diverse filmmaking of Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2023, the spotlight will be turned on films from the South American region.  

The program

The film directors are also invited to take part in a professional program, taking place both online (before the Festival starts) and onsite (during the Locarno Film Festival), designed to further build their knowledge and skills, introduce them to the international Festival environment, network with the rest of the Open Doors delegation and with industry guests and talents in Locarno. 

Film consideration

The Open Doors Screenings is a curated section and the selection is made on invitation. Therefore, it is not subject to the regular submission call of the Locarno Film Festival.  

However, if you wish to submit a film for consideration to the Open Doors team, please contact us before 28 February 2023 at

Other Film Sections