Facts & Figures 2022
75 Years of Cinema and Discovery

At the core of Italian-speaking Switzerland, but at the center of the world for 11 days, the Locarno Film Festival has been an international reference point for emerging quality cinema for 75 years. Supported by public and private partners, and a member of the Swiss Top Events, it can rely on a prestigious reputation based on values like integrity and artistic freedom, as well as environmental and social sustainability.

The Pardo d’oro, and More

3 international competitions, for established and emerging filmmakers, and 8 more sections bring to life each new edition of the Locarno Film Festival, making its awards some of the richest and most prestigious in the world.

The Soul of Locarno: the Audience

Varied, dynamic, passionate, and, most importantly, precious: the Locarno audience is a priceless asset for the Festival. It’s the soul that contributes to the magic of the screenings in Piazza Grande and in theaters.


A Festival in the Media

Thanks to its program and the work done by its editorial team, TV channel and other services for more than 11 days per year, the Locarno Film Festival gets attention from national and international media, as shown by the large number of accredited journalists from all over the world.

Press Accredited (journalists and photographers)

Press Review from 1.01 to 27.10.2022
International and national articles, online and in the press

At the Heart of the Industry

A reference point for professionals worldwide, the Festival’s industry strand Locarno Pro aims to promote and develop events and projects focusing on the behind-the-scenes side of things.

Locarno Pro

Open Doors

Open Doors acts as an incubator of talents, offering a hub that can change its attendees’ careers, where emerging directors can access resources, training, new inspirations, and contact networks to create, finance and promote their works in progress.

Active during the Locarno Film Festival and all year round, Open Doors supports artists who face major challenges in their daily work life. Strongly tied to both the physical and the digital, its goal is to contribute to the development of an independent, collaborative film scene.

In 2021, Open Doors concluded a three-year focus on South-East Asia and Mongolia.

Open Doors


The Future Is Today

Experiencing the present intensely means already looking ahead: the Locarno Film Festival is actively committed to young people, offering them unique training and professional paths within the film world, from Locarno Kids to the BaseCamp, Youth Advisory Board and Locarno Academy.

Locarno Kids


Locarno Academy

Go Digital!

The digital revolution, embraced by the Festival organizers, has brought on a significant increase in importance for our existing platforms, from the website to our social media channels. The strategy is constantly evolving, due to a long-term vision that aims to intensify the event’s presence beyond the 11 days of the Festival proper.

Social Media

The Financial Side

With the support of over 200 public and private partners, the Locarno Film Festival is an opportunity for establishing projects and professional networks. In addition, by cooperating with over 500 local companies and over 200 international ones, the event provides concrete support to the economy of the territory, and beyond.


Projects Are a Shared Vision

The Locarno Film Festival’s key initiatives were developed with the support of its Main Partners: UBS (the Prix du Public), la Mobiliare (Locarno Kids and la Rotonda), Manor (the Pardo d’onore and the Locarno Boutique), Swisscom (Locarno Live TV) and Ascona Locarno (for territorial promotion).

Together with its sponsors and partners, the Festival can create initiatives, on a yearly basis, that can involve a wide audience in a diversified manner, while simultaneously adding more cultural and social value to the entire event. These projects are possible thanks to the union of intent, long-term vision and shared commitment.