Locarno Pro

Locarno Pro is the landmark for film industry professionals attending Locarno Film Festival

Gathering under its wings the different initiatives and services that professionals have been accessing over the years, Locarno Pro aims to enhance and deepen connections between the diverse players circulating around films in the Festival.

Locarno Pro plays an active, 360° role in the support of auteur cinema: whether launching a new project or extending and optimizing existing services and initiatives, the goal is always to support sales agents, distributors, exhibitors, producers and filmmakers in their respective tasks, ranging from the conception to the release of independent arthouse films in different areas of the world.

You can now request your accreditation for Locarno76, choose the option that suits you best here

Contact us

For more information, please contact Locarno Pro at


  +41 (0)91 756 21 21

Locarno Pro is waiting for you from 3 to 9 August, 2023!

Open Doors 2022-2024

Focus on Latin America and the Caribbean

From 2022 until 2024, the Open Doors section is championing films, projects and talents from 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Open Doors explores cinema in the focus region via a co-production platform, a producers’ Lab and a non-competitive screening section taking place during the Locarno Film Festival in August, plus year-round activities including Consultancy services and the knowledge-sharing platform ToolBox. 
